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Wie Ösen in Zeltstoff oder Segeltuch einschlagen

Metallösen in Persenning oder Zeltstoff stanzen

Schritt für Schritt wie Sie Ösen aus Metall in Stoff einschlagen und befestigen können. Mit Bilder und Film.



Bitte klicken Sie hier für eine Auslegung in einer schriftlichen Datei

Oder klicken Sie hier für einen YouTube-Film.

Die Ösen, aus Metall und Kunststoff + Verstärkungsband, können Sie bei uns kaufen falls Sie hier klicken



First of all: We highly recommend using interfacing* under the fabric in the area where you will be attaching any grommets or eyelets. The extra reinforcement* will help support the fabric. Mark the location where you want to attach it. Cut an x-shaped slit over the area with a pair of sharp scissors - you don't want to exceed the area where the grommet will be hammered on, just enough to let the fabric "give" when it is hammered, so it doesn't pull on the fabric around the grommet. 

A roadmap in steps including pictures – see down stated

1) Make sure you are working over a very hard surface, if necessary on a concrete floor.

2) Put the brand/stamp on this foundation with the smooth/flat side upwards

3) Take the ‘bullet’-peg, positioned with the convex side downwards, and put this on the smooth/flat side of the brand/stamp. Then hammer a hole into the cloth – see photo 3+4

4) Turn around the brand/stamp with the notch pointed upwards – see photo 5

5) Put the grommet on the brand/stamp, with the carved side pointed upwards – see photo 6

6) Lay down the cloth on this grommet and put the flat grommet on the fabric – see photo 7+8

7) Take the ‘bullet’-peg, positioned with the point downwards and hammer it tightly – see photo 9+10. Please do this in a smooth/flat way, otherwise you will damage the grommet.


* Spezielles Verstärkungsband(ganz kräftiges p.v.c.) ist erhältlich in unserem webshop at    www.esvocampingshop.com